The Lost Years of Merlin Epic

Explore teaching activities to be used with The Lost Years of Merlin Epic, by T.A. Barron.
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Books by T.A. Barron


The Lost Years of Merlin
HC: 0-399-23018-1 $19.99
ACE PB: 0-441-00668-X $5.99

The Seven Songs of Merlin
HC: 0-399-23019-X $19.99
ACE PB: 0-441-00701-5 $5.99

The Fires of Merlin
HC:0-399-23020-3 $19.99
ACE PB: 0-441-00713-9 $5.99

The Mirror of Merlin
HC: 0-399-23455-1 $19.99

The Wings of Merlin
HC: 0-399-23456-X $19.99


HC: 0-399-22180-8 $18.99

The Ancient One
HC: 0-399-21899-8 $19.99

The Merlin Effect
HC: 0-399-22689-3 $19.99


High as a Hawk
Illustrated by Ted Lewin
HC: 0-399-23704-6 $16.99

Where Is Grandpa?
Illustrated by Chris K. Soentpiet
HC: 0-399-23037-8 $15.99


Related Reading

The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen
by Lloyd Alexander
Dutton Children's Books, 1991
ISBN 0-525-44826-8
An intricate and intriguing tale, in which young prince Jen sets out on an arduous journey, full of danger and adventure, and learns to be a ruler and a man.

Fire Bringer
by David Clement-Davis
Dutton Children's Books, 2000
ISBN 0-525-46492-1
In the Great Land, which today is known as Scotland, a fawn named Rannoch is born, bearing on his brow the mark of a perfect oak leaf of the Herla Prophecy: "When the Lore is bruised and broken," such a deer will be born a healer and a king to lead his people to freedom. But, like Merlin, Rannoch must endure unspeakable danger and learn his inner self and his powers to complete the prophecy.

Parzival: The Quest of the Grail Knight
by Katherine Patterson
HC: Lodestar, 1998
ISBN 0-525-67579-5
PB: Puffin Books
ISBN 0-14-130573-8
This is the tale of Parzival, who goes to Arthur's court to become a knight but leaves to pursue his path of valor. He encounters the Angler (Fisher King) and dines in the presence of the Holy Grail. Although Parzival sees that the Angler is suffering some "great pain or sorrow," he hesitates to ask the cause. Dishonored because of this, Parzival is doomed to wander until he can undo the wrong.

I Am Mordred: A Tale of Camelot
by Nancy Springer
Philomel Book, 1998
ISBN 0-399-23143-9
The Arthurian arch villain Mordred, bastard son of King Arthur and his sister Morgause, tries to sort out his love/hate feelings for the father who tried to murder him as an infant. When he's 15, Mordred is sent to Camelot, where he meets his father, who refuses to acknowledge his son for the well-being of the realm. Desperately wanting to avoid his destiny as Arthur's killer, Mordred embarks on a long and dangerous quest that does not stop his inexorable path to fulfilling his destiny.

I Am Morgan Le Fay: A Tale of Camelot
by Nancy Springer
Philomel Books, 2001
ISBN 0-339-23451-9
Fleeing for her life after her stepfather, the king, is killed, Morgan learns to treasure the power of sorcery, even at the expense of love. Nancy Springer continues to shed light on the dark side of Camelot in this follow-up to I Am Mordred.

Internet Sites of Interest

The Worlds of T.A. Barron
The official website for the author of The Lost Years of Merlin series.

King Arthur on Britannia
Britannia, an online travel and tour guide to Great Britain and Ireland, offers comprehensive information on King Arthur and Merlin.

Locus Online
The online version of the news and review magazine dedicated to science fiction, fantasy, and horror publishing.

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